Mahayogi Siddhababa Spiritual Academy



Promoting personalized holistic health by tailoring health practices and interventions such as Dinacharya (daily routines), Bhojanacharya (dietary habits), Vyavahaarcharya (behavioral practices), Yogacharya (yog practices), and Raatrecharya (nighttime routines), to each individual's unique physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs for overall balance and well-being.


Developing an ethical regimen to boost mental (manasik) health, build strong character (charitrik), foster social (samajik) cohesion, engage in Dharmic practices, and strengthen familial (pariwarik) bonds, among others.


Offering comprehensive education that encompasses both material and spiritual dimensions. This includes teachings on Para Vidya (transcendental knowledge), Brahma Vidya (knowledge of the divine), Apara Vidya (practical knowledge), as well as understanding of the Vedas, Vedangas, Shastra, and various aspects of human existence such as senses, elements, mind-states, Buddhi (intellect), Chitta (consciousness), and Ahankar (ego).


Nurturing the best sanskars and giving knowledge on how they relate to Jeevanacharya, Bhojanacharya, Karmas, mental states, intellect, and associations.


Teaching methods to attain a life of Aishwarya (prosperity and wealth) and exploring different types of Samriddhi (abundance).


Empowering seekers to acheive foundational elements for Shanti including Knowledge, Faith, Bhakti, Gyan, Vairagya, Devotion to Parmatma.

All spiritual practices widely followed these days work only as a means to awaken the dormant Kundalini Shakti. Real spiritual advancement starts only after the awakening of Kundalini - JSB

Our Founder Acharya

Jagadguru Mahayogi Siddhababa

His Holiness Jagadguru Shree Ramanandacharya Swami Shree Ramakrishnacharya Ji Maharaj is also known as Jagadguru Mahayogi Siddhababa and “Gurudev '' by his students. His Holiness comes from a lineage of enlightened Gurus of the Ramanandi Shree Vaishav lineage. He is an enlightened Tridanada Dhari Sadhu and Master of scriptures, Kundalini and Yog. He is the Founder Acharya of Mahayogi Siddhababa Spiritual Academies and centres across the globe.


Honored with the esteemed title of Jagadguru (Guru of the universe)

Samadhi Siddha Purush

Has attained Samadhi, the final step on the path of yoga, as defined by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. 

Shaktipat Acharya 

Can awaken a spiritual aspirant’s Kundalini energy,  by sight, mantra, touch or pure intention, in-person or at distance.

Master of Ayurveda

Master of Ayurvedic medicines and healing practices.

Nadi Specialist

Specialist in pulse diagnosis - assessing one's health, constitution, and imbalances by analyzing the pluses.

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Our Courses

Mahayogi Siddhababa Spiritual Academy

Yogic Science

Explore the science behind the mystical world of spirituality. Be the part of experiential and authentic knowledge passed on from generation to generation via an unbroken lineage of enlightened masters about kundalini energy, chakras, Shaktipath and more.



Importance of a Guru (spiritual teacher)

Guru is a Sanskrit word in which “Gu” means darkness or ignorance and “Ru” means remover.

The fast path to full consciousness

In Himalayan Mahayoga, as one continues meditation the layers enveloping consciousness, which appear due to our actions (karma) and sanskara (mental and psychological imprints and impressions), slowly fade away..

Kriyas manifest based on your individual need

Once one begins this meditation, one's own Serpent power (Kundalini Shakti) decides what type of experiences to manifest in one's body based on the person's mental, physical and spiritual needs

Immediate awakening of your Kundalini

By the grace of Mahayogi Siddhababa one’s dormant Serpent Power (Kundalini) becomes immediately active through Shaktipaat Deeksha (transmission of spiritual power to an aspiring meditator).

Guidance from Mahayogi Siddha Baba

In any meditative path, guidance from a fully enlightened spiritual Guru (teacher) based on Guru-disciple tradition is essential for an aspiring meditator's progress.

Purification of the body and mind

Through this meditation, one automatically experiences purification of body and mind. Negative tendencies fade into positive tendencies and one's body begins to feel lighter and more energized.

Love for all

This path allows one to internalize and emulate in behaviour that we are all part of a single Earth nation, bound by the bonds of human-love.